Friday, September 4, 2009

Meeting on 2/9/09

1.Secondary 2 Literature Play

2/9/09, 3/9/09 pupils are to report at 2.30 pm to hall
Wei Hong, Zhi Yong, Jacab, Jun Hao, Jun He and Niklaus \

On 3/9/09
Ivory and Shernice will be joining the team

2.N level Listening Comprehension

7/9/09 Monday, 9.00am-10.00am
8/9/09 Tuesday, 7.30am-11.00am

Hasief and Wei Jun is down for duty

3.Camp- T-shirt

The design need to be redraw and pass to Rui Yuan for soft copy to be done. Deadline for soft copy is term 4 week 1, the first meeting. The quotation must be finish before term 4 week 2.


Some pupils still did not carry out their duty diligently. All pupils are request to inform others if they cannot go for their duty or meeting.

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