Wednesday, April 7, 2010

meeting 7/4/10

1.Art Panche3

Team 3 will be on duty on 7/4 and 8/4 for the combined rehearsal in school.

On Friday, 9/4, Bryant, Tian Jun, Hasief, Yusri, Wei Hong and GunJig will need to gather at the foyer at 10.45am. the bus will leave for PYMGS at 11.00am

On Saturday, 10/4, the six pupils on duty will need to report in school at 10.30am. They need to wear mediatech t-shirt and long jeans.

On the same day, 6 other members, lower secondary, will have hall duty for lower secondary assembly. They will need to meet at 10.15am in the hall.

Pupils on duty are Geraldine, Kin Ting, Syakir, Gurjeet and Shernice.

2.Photography competition

Reminder to all participants that they need submit their work by 15/4, next Thursday, to Madam Siew.

3.Video competition

The meeting for video competition will start after Mid-Year Examination.

4.Stepping down

Secondary 4 Express, 4 Normal and 5 Normal will be stepping down at the end of term 2.

5.Duties during examination period

All morning assembly duties still carry on during examination period.


Election for new committees will be carry out next week. All members are expected to be present on the next meeing

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