Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Meeting on the 14th July, 2010
1. Video Competition.

Panasonic: Video submitted.

Bukit View Sec.: To be submitted on Friday.
-Girls involved; KinTing, Bernice, Shernice, Geraldine & Natalie.

2. T-shirt Logo & Design.

All Mediatech members to bring a design of the CCA T-shirt by 21st July.
Each design must be individual work.

3. Sharing by WeiHong and Yusri.

YOG performance was done pretty well, pre-tests were done perfectly.
The usage of walky-talky shall be improved and everyone must be more aware
of what is going on, especially when one’s in the control room at the hall.

4. New rules to note, regarding the usage of microphones.

*Mic. points 4, 5 & 6; leave them on throughout the show.
*Hand-held mic.; make sure the MCs know how to mute/unmute.
Hence, no one should mute any mic. from the control room.

5. A.O.B.

Camp Matters; no progress at the moment.

CCA Photographs; payments to be made.
Mdm.Siew is buying a formal photograph(small) for each graduating members.

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