Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Camp Details
Date: 22 & 23 November 2010
Reporting time on 22nd is 8.30am
Dismissal Time on 23rd is around 3 - 4pm

Camp List

Please come in PE attire.

Things to bring:
1. Sleeping Bag
2. Torchlight (for nightwalk)
3. 3-4 pair of shirts (no indecent clothing, e.g. spaghetti strips)
4. 1 long pants (optional)
5. 3-4 pair of undergarments
6. 3-4 pair of normal pants (shorts etc...)
7. A jacket/sweater (optional)
8. A pair of new socks (optional)
9. Slippers
10. Track Shoes (optional - for sports games)
11. 2-3 Plastic Bag (for keeping dirty clothes)
12. Towel
13. Bathing Materials (soap etc...)
14. Insect Repellant (Optional)
15. Medicine (if any is needed)
16. Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste etc...)

Please also bring appropriate amount of money (around $25) for breakfast on 23rd and lunch for both 22nd and 23rd, as these 3 meals will not be provided. Dinner will be provided.

Sorry that it took so long to put it up. xD

Last modified 10/11

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