Wednesday, August 26, 2009

26/8 meeting

1.Teacher Day Rehearsal

Reminder to all students that is down for duty, there will be rehearsal on Thursday (27/8) and Friday (28/8). Reporting time is 2.00pm.

Muthd Yusri and Bryant Tay are added to the duty listed.

Juthaporn is the leader; she will need to divide all pupils into two groups. Six students will b on the backstage, three on each side. Other four will be in the control room.

2.All students are warned not to use media tech duty for own interest.

Example: not to go for remedial after school
Not wanting to attend certain class

3.Hand phone contact number

Reminder to students that have not given their contact number:
All students are urged to give their contact number; hand phone number is preferred, as soon as possible for last minute duty.


Most likely will be held after O level, might be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Need to be reconfirmed. Program will be plan by committee after discussion.
Committee involved: Juthaporn
Mei Xuan
Kin Chong
Si Xian
Wei Jun


Gui Rui Yuan will be in charge of the soft copy of the design.


All students are urged to check the blog regularly.

Camera man

Mei Xuan has volunteered to be the camera man to take down pictures of hard work of members. Certain pictures will be uploaded to the blog to commend their effort.

8.NYAA-National Youth Achievement Award

Secondary three are too late for registration. But all secondary two’s and one’s students are urged to register and participate actively for more CCA points.

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