Wednesday, August 19, 2009

meeting on 19/8

1.New chairmen(Juthaporn) and vice chairmen(Bryant) give a short speech which will be post on the nest post
There will ba a 3 days 2 night camp on late Dec. Training, games, movie ant etc will be carry out. Detail will be refined later. Students with suggeation can rise up to either chairman or vice chair men.

chairman and vice chairman will follow up. Material choosen is dry fit.

Students are encourage to check the blog every 3-5 days for information. This blog official as Mrs Tan has been informed.

Improvement has been shown but there is still some students did not carry out their duty, espically sec 1. Students are urged to carry out duties punctually and dilligently or else punishment will be given.

6.Key to Hall control room
After discussion, keys to Hall control room cannot betaken for personal reharsal. Teacher is needed if really needed. no.
Every students need to give their phone no. to teacher-in-charge for any urgent event.

8.Reminder for duty on 21/8
Zhao Song, Kin Chong, Bryant , Samson and Terry are down for duty (sec 3 sexuaity talk)
Reporting time is 10.45 a.m. Bryant is in charge to get the keys from Mdm Siew before 10.45 a.m. Poon Jian Hao is added to the team.

Gun Jigl, Jacob, Zhi Yong, Wei Hong, Jun Hao and Hafiz are down for duty (PTM).
Reporting time is 5.15 p.m.

9.Our equipment
Missing of 1 sound cable in Hall control room. Students are urged to make immediate report if something is found missing.

10. New rule
Any student who are not able to do their duty need to find own replacement and report to teacher.

11.Teachers day duty
Juthaporn Foo, Loke Si Xian, Loh Mei Xuan, Lee Kin Chong, Poon Jian Hao, Sernic Lim and Ivory Teo is down for duty on Teachers Day Celebration.

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