Thursday, February 25, 2010

meeting on 24/2/10

1.Photography workshop-competition

Only Samson is confirmed to be participating.

2.Scene 3 camp

A camp consists of Digital filmmaking, Digital photography and others. This is a day camp which is held on 15-19 of march. Pupils are urged to go. Those who are interested please approach Madam Siew for consent form

3.Speech day

The actual day will fall on 12 of march and the rehearsal days are still not confirmed. The pupils on duty are Si Xian, Mei Xuan, Juthaporn, Bryant, Wei Jun. this are still waited to be confirm.

4.OP Idol

Meet at La Vista at 3.00pm. pupils on duty are Gurjeet, Rui Yan, Kai Keng, Jun Hao, Jacob, Hasief anD Tian Jun

5.Lunch time music

On 26/2, pupils are to meet at hall at 12 noon. 3 dynamic microphone and 2 condenser microphone is needed. Pupils on duty are Kin Ting, Shernice, Wei Hong, Gun Jig, Yusri and Zhi Yong.

6.Punctuality for meeting and duties

Pupils are still not reporting for meeting and duties punctually. This need to be improve, or else action will be taken on students who are not taking this warning seriously

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