Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T1W5 meeting 3 February 2010

1. OP Idol on 18 February, students to report at 2.15 at La Vista:Tian Jun Hasief, Jacob, Jun Hao, Rui Yan, Shawn Lim, Gurjeet, Kai Keng

2.Starting from 17/2 after Chinese New Year, meeting will start at 3.00 pm in stead of 2.30 pm. This is to allow ample time for students to take their lunch or finish up their lesson before coming for meeting.
3.AV course:
Confirmed dates

Wednesday 3.30pm – 5 pm.
1st lesson 17/2
2nd lesson 24/2
3rd lesson 3/3
4th lesson 24/3

Will find a language room on ground floor. Instructor will use the outdoor PA system together with power point for training

All members are to meet at 3.00 pm in the same room for meeting first

4.upcoming events:

-Arts Panache III, First rehearsal on 22 March
Members will be involved in rehearsals in school

5.Logo design:
Internal competition.there would be credit recorded in portfolio.the deadline is 28 February.

Email the design to Mdm Siew at

6.Photography competition:

There is a workshop for participants
Date: 6 March 2010 (Saturday)
Time 9am to 1pm
Venue: Botanic Gardens Functions Hall

7.Video Competition
By Hafiz and Syakir. Though we did not win a prize, we have attained high standard of video filming. Our weakness could be due to too small a team. Other winning teams were having 8 to 12 members in the production as compared to our 2 members team.

Mdm Siew urged more members to participate actively as we have the skill and knowledge to do up a good video.

8.Sec 1 & 2 new members
They will be joining the AV course.

Their duties will start in term 2

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