Wednesday, February 3, 2010

T1W4 meeting 27 January 2010

1) sec 1 AVArep training:
training starts at 3pm by Hasief,Terry,Bryant.

Area of training : Classroom and AVA room
2) CNY rehersals:
3/2(wed),8/2(mon),10/2(wed) 2.30pm to 5.30pm
all secondary 2, Wei Hong, Zhi Yong, Yusri, Mei Xuan, Juthaporn and Si Xian.

3)TV messaging training and service:
3pm starts training by ms yeow.set up TV by 7.15 the powerpoint presentation in the desktop according to the week number.
4)AV course:
training starts every wednesday 3.30pm.starting from 17/2 (after chinese new year)

5) upcoming events:
-OP idol (after CNY,18/2)
-Arts Panache3 (late february)
6)Logo design:
Internal competition.there would be credit recorded in portfolio.the deadline is after CNY.(last day of february)

7)Photography competition:
Young Photographer Award.gather a group of members or participate alone.require a minimum of 6 photos for submission.Top prize is $3000.consolation prize is $1000.

8)stock check:
everyone in the CCA is to be involved in this activity

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